Directories that provide information about a building’s layout and services should be easy to use and locate. Place them near all entrances in logical locations. If a building requires a number of different directories for different areas, place them in a consistent location on each floor (e.g., beside the elevators).

A good example of a building directory with raised print, braille and a tactile floor map.
A good example of a building directory with raised print, braille and a tactile floor map.

Directories should include raised print as well as print lettering, with characters at least 16 mm in height. They should also include braille.

Ideally, directories will incorporate a tactile map that is readable by sight and touch. This should illustrate the layout of the floor on which the directory is located, as well as the principal paths of travel to features and services on the floor.

In multi-storey buildings, it’s useful to include a tactile cross-sectional map of the building, indicating the number of floors and the features and services provided on each floor.

Use directional TWSIs or textural contrasts in floor materials, detectable by a long cane and underfoot, to lead individuals directly from the main entrance to the building directory. In multi-storey buildings, they should be used from the elevator to the floor directories.

If using a tactile map, careful planning is necessary. Like braille, tactile diagrams require additional space. Information presented on tactile maps will likely need to be condensed. The CNIB Foundation can provide assistance with the design or production of appropriate tactile maps.

Further information on tactile maps and pre-recorded instructions is provided.