Some spaces have stand-alone interactive information centres, also known as information kiosks. Such centres or kiosks may consist of a video display unit with a touch screen, tactile keypad and auditory information. It’s important to note that providing visual information alone is not enough!

Information kiosks are more helpful when they are accessible. The first step is making sure that someone with blindness can determine the location of the kiosk. More information on audible signs is provided in the Signage section. Further information cn be found in the section on guidance TWSIs.

The next step is making sure the kiosk itself is fully accessible to all users once they have found it.

If using touch-screen systems for user input, keyboard or keypad input should be available. Kiosks should also provide speech output.

Incorporate software packages that can magnify text on information kiosk screens from two to 16 times. Make sure users are able to adjust the colour contrast between the text and the background. This will help users with limited vision to see the screen. Locate monitors so that users can position themselves within a few centimetres of the screen, if necessary.

Additional information on information kiosks can be found in the Canadian Standards Association’s “Accessible Design for Self-Service Interactive Devices” document, CAN/CSA-B651.2-25. It’s available through the ShopCSA website.